Quick Update (#RedguardGirls)

No, I haven't forgotten this blog. I just ran into some technical difficulties.
Turns out, both my desktop and my laptop were ancient tech and have since been replaced. Also...it didn't help when I downloaded Skyrim: Anniversary Edition. *cringe*
Long story short, I got my first real gaming laptop last week and have had to start over (NEVER buying a cheap laptop again). Some of my old mods no longer work and others have been updated in the very long months I've been out of commission. When I can't play Skyrim, I can't write Skyrim, hence the severe writer's block.
So the characters you love no longer look as they did before, but that's okay because they now look amazing (see our Lady Ahlam of House Wintersand above). I'm especially digging the addition of more Afro-inspired hairstyles.
With the new looks and new, super-fast laptop that doesn't give me drama came a LOT of new ideas. So I've scrapped the Astridr and Talia storylines to do something else. As originally planned, I still intend to revisit previous characters as well introduce new ones. So stay tuned.
Thank you all for you readership, your patience, and your support. As always, I'm open to prompts. Please subscribe and share, share, share. I love you!
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